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Interview with Aida Hadzialic, Minister of Education in Sweden
One of the first things Aida said to me was: “We try to inspire people. My message is that everything is possible. You just need the...
Interview with Tony Mufic, Director of Education in Stockholm Stad
In a conversation with Tony Mufic, Director of Education in Stockholm Stad, he told me about his first impressions and experiences in his...
Interview with Oskar Sjögren, Principal of Young Business Creatives
During an interview with the principal of the entrepreneurial-minded upper secondary school 'Young Business Creatives' he mentioned the...
Interview with Cecilia Carnefeldt, CEO Kunskapsskolan Sweden
In an inspiring conversation with Cecilia Carnefeldt, she told me about some great initiatives and developments within Kunskapsskolan:...
Visiting Kunskapsgymnasiet
In January, I visited two different Kunskapsgymnasiet, which was a very worthwhile experience. I noticed a few interesting things: The...
My Dream Now
In an inspiring conversation about the company ‘My Dream Now’ with the manager of the region Stockholm, I was surprised about the fact...
"Raving" Students | Delivering stunning Education Service!
The more I hear and read about personalised education, the more similarities I see between the ideas of Ken Blanchard and those of...
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